Akram Vignan Germany e.V.
Lehen 10 | D-83564 Soyen
Phone & Fax: +49 (0) 700 - 32 32 74 74
Mail: info@akramvignan.eu
Web: https://akram-vignan.eu
Web: https://akram-vignan.com
FA Rosenheim 156/107/00079
Registration at Traunstein Local Court: VR 202210 / VAT ID no. DE301481472
Bank details:
Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Wasserburg am Inn
IBAN: DE26 7116 0000 0002 9621 60
The purpose of the association is to disseminate the science of Akram Vignan in the form of mediating:
- Inner and outer peace
- The ability to deal with everyday situations in a more loving, non-violent, mindful, peaceful and conflict-free way
- To recognise and dissolve fear, anger, stress, greed and deception in oneself
- The integration of one's own mistakes and not to seek and shift them to the outside
- The intention and implementation of no one, not to hurt, criticise, offend or insult any living being or foundation of any religion in any way and to live in a measured and balanced way that is accepted by all points of view.
The purpose of the statutes is realised, in particular by making Akram Vignan, the spiritual science, known and spreading it in Germany and the West. By organising and holding lectures, academies, webinars, congresses and events. By translating books, DVDs and other media and distributing them. The aim is to create and offer a platform to ensure the deepening and stabilisation of this knowledge. To support people to understand and implement this science and thus contribute more to inner and outer peace.
Dispute resolution:
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
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All recordings (videos - image & sound) of the website "akram-vignan.eu" are © by Akram Vignan Germany e.V.
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Man library | Stock file ID: 74180656 | Woman in orange | Stock file ID: 1269313352
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